Industry Story of the Week

According to the IPA Effectiveness Roadmap, while brands are improving their commitment to a culture of effectiveness, there is still work to be done. It reveals having a dedicated approach is crucial. Their report found that effectiveness culture within brands had improved by 10%, scoring 7.2 versus 6.6 in 2021. Within agencies, the effectiveness culture ‘maintained equilibrium’ compared to last year, scoring a higher level of 7.6. One of the key takeaways is that long-term commitment is vital to a successful effectiveness agenda.


Press Story of the Week

St Luke’s unveiled their first campaign for i newspaper, with a focus on the brand's 'open-minded' journalism and objective approach to news. The multimedia campaign launched on Thursday the 22nd of September and will run for four weeks, with the first burst running across press, digital and out of home. Each ad features a question illustrated next to a key protagonist, such as Vladimir Putin, or Liz Truss and the tag line 'politics/world news/ current affairs followed by ' for open minds’.


Radio Story of the Week

AudioUK, the trade body for independent audio production companies, has called on Ofcom to reinstate BBC quotas for key radio and audio genres such as drama and comedy. OfCom removed the specific quotas back in 2017 which set requirements for 600 hours of drama to be broadcast between 2016-2017. They site a subsequent 50 per cent drop in Radio 4 over the last years as a key issue, with audio drama and comedy as essential for developing new producing, writing and acting talent.


Campaign Story of the Week

Vegetarian Food Brand Quorn has created a tongue-in-cheek advert, promoting the benefits of a meat-free diet. In ‘So Tasty Why Choose The Alternative?’, viewers see a woman in her kitchen about to tuck into a sandwich, when a sensual narrative voice confirms that Quorn’s new range of deli-style fake meat tastes delicious. Confused, the hungry woman looks around to see a pig puppet speaking slowly into a mic before his two friends, a cow and a chicken join in.