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The numbers are staggering... Netflix for quite some time now have been challenging traditional media in many ways. They have never before released viewing figures on a specific title, until now. "Bird Box", the Sandra Bullock thriller has, according to Netflix, broke it's record for the most watched Netflix film over seven days.  The numbers released by Netflix show that 45,037,125 accounts have watched the film. That is a staggering number. This is where Netflix however differs from the norms of traditional media. There is no third party measurement system, and they have not disclosed the specifics of this number. What we know is that this number counts as a "view". This doesn't disclose whether more than one person on that account watched the film, and doesn't disclose any demographic information. A tweet by @TheBoxOfficeGuy showed that if this was an international blockbuster released in theatres the movie would have made $411,639,322m. It's safe to say that Netflix is making some considerable ground with it's original content, but many are sceptical at the numbers and figures it has revealed, with a Netflix representative saying it counted a "view" once 70% of total running time, including credits, was surpassed. Source: https://www.businessinsider.com/netflix-bird-box-sparks-debate-over-data-in-hollywood-2018-12?r=US&IR=TLike This? Read our blog on Christmas at The Village. https://www.thevillagecommunications.co.uk/archives/news_page/christmas-at-the-village