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Generic “April Fools” didn’t even get a look in this time around as it was high drama indeed...Generic “April Fools” didn’t even get a look in this time around as it was high drama indeed at The Village Comm’s. Our office, as well as a large portion of Holborn, was affected by the underground fire along Kingsway. Systems went down, access to the local Pret was denied and meetings were abandoned as power was lost across a large part of Kingsway and its surrounds… All of which culminated in a (not particularly) dramatic evacuation from Melbourne House. It was here that our newly trained Fire Wardens particularly came in to their own.A number of different theories have been doing the rounds regarding the actual source of the fire (from nearby Diamond Heist cover up, to the not so Hollywood, but equally concerning; Electrical fault) and almost 2 weeks later, Kingsway is still largely closed, and relative disruptions continues. http://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2015/apr/09/kingsway-fire-london-holborn-electrical-fault http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-32231725 One key take-out however, is how an huge proportion of us Londoners acted within these circumstances….despite there not being any working electricity, a trip to the local wine bar (the one boasting lots of candles), was the initial way forward for quite a few. I’d like to take the positive out of that and see it as rallying round to support local businesses in their hour of need...