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The Cointreau/ ELLE bursary came to fruition during London Fashion Week...The Cointreau/ ELLE bursary came to fruition during London Fashion Week. With a show stopping catwalk from Simone Rocha that Lorraine Candy, the Editor of ELLE described as ‘breathtaking and extraordinary’. Lorraine also wrote about how proud she was of what Simone had achieved with the first ELLE/ Cointreau bursary – ‘She is the first recipient of our ELLE/Cointreau bursary and I am so glad we helped support her because as I watched her show today I got goose-bumps; it is a rare thing to see design genius that close up and to know the passion and creativity behind it. Please watch her show because she is one of the best London designers of our time’ Simone received overwhelmingly positive reviews from across the industry with The Telegraph praising Simone with the ‘show of the week’. We loved attending Simones show and were very proud to have worked on such an amazing programme with Cointreau, ELLE and Simone. Simone celebrated her success at the Cointreau Prive, the bespoke pop up speakeasy style bar that she designed to coincide with Fashion Week. Cointreau’s creative director set out to create ‘an indoor rose garden’ with hand painted rose motifs on the walls and vintage crystal glassware she created a beautiful space for Cointreau fans and the fashion industry to enjoy. Simone also created a special cocktail to celebrate - the Cointreau Fizz Wild Rose. The event received great coverage across social media. We are so excited to see what Simone’s next collection will bring, watch this space...