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How will voice enabled devices change advertising... It is no doubt that home speakers and devices using voice activation are becoming more and more popular. The simple fact is that it is easier to talk to a device, than type something out. The devices make lives easier, which seems to be a trend in technology; if it makes day-to-day life easier it is more likely to be successful. Voice enabled devices make life a lot easier, with over one billion voice searches per month on smart assistants, as of January 2018. With smart speakers and voice enabled devices looking like they are here to stay, the question on many advertising lips is how can they use this new technology as a way to advertise to their consumers. With privacy being a forefront factor playing into advertising this year, there is still an a trust issue with what your voice enabled device is listening to, and consumers still don’t seem fully convinced or understand the devices they own. This could cause challenges for advertising, and if by advertising on these devices you effected the user experience, this has the potential to disrupt trust further. To use voice enabled devices for advertising it will have to be more organic, and simply limit the disruption to the user’s. The strategy at the moment looks like brands will have to build a presence on the device so that when a questions is asked, their brand is communicated back in a response.  Drum have recently done a great article in a more in-depth manner, which can be found here: https://www.thedrum.com/news/2018/10/22/siri-what-will-advertising-voice-looksound It is going to be interesting to see what brand takes the leap into voice advertising, and how long until they come up with a technologically advanced way so that advertising can be undergone without the disruption of trust on the user’s experience. The opportunity seems to be there to use these devices, but to advertise you will have to show you are adding value to the consumer, as to not disrupt them. To find the right balance will take time and testing, but it is only a matter of time as popularity increases with these devices that advertising on them is going to become a common practice.