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The Village Communications team goes to Wicksteed Park for a company away day. Read our company blog post all about it.Us Villagers traveled to Kettering to visit beautiful Wicksteed Park for our team away day. Despite the weather not being on our side (in typical English fashion), the park was awesome. Even simple moments like walking round the gardens felt like a real pleasure. There, we were given a warm welcome by Aaron from our client’s team, who helped us settle in for a productive group session. With coffee and cookies at the ready we sat down to exchange and develop our ideas for new practices we could bring into our work life, to build on our strengths and make our team even greater. We left on a high note as we broke for a tasty lunch – thanks Wicksteed! After lunch we all had a chance to work together and come up with our favourite ideas that we thought would improve Village life. We recognise this as a huge benefit of working in a small, agile team; everyone in the company can sit down and share ideas with one another and be truly collaborative.Now, it was time to put our skills to the test as we ventured to the Clip n’ Climb, which was a highlight of the day. A couple of us conquered a fear of heights we never knew we had, though most of us were all talk before we got our harnesses on. The leap of faith was particularly terrifying, but we had a go in the end (after letting Ryan go first). We had a chat with our instructor, Harry, who taught us about all the amazing experiences Clip n’ Climb affords to people of all ages and abilities, as Harry claims that there is “no one we will say no to” over 4 years old. What stuck out to us was how passionate the park’s team were. Everyone enjoyed the work they do with a huge emphasis on providing excellent customer service to people of all ages and abilities. The park’s team gave us a fantastic experience to take home with that left us Villagers feeling like a stronger force.