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The developments in OOH advertising... There have been some big developments in the world of out-of-home advertising in the past month. Out-of-home, or outdoor as it is also referred, is advertising that reaches the consumers while they are outside of their homes. It’s your billboards to your 6 sheets.   3 weeks ago Global, the UK’S biggest commercial radio player, bought Primesight and Outdoor plus, two outdoor media owners. This was Global’s first big step into the world of outdoor. They then made advances with a planned acquisition of Exterion Media. Exterion’s biggest asset is advertising on the London underground. They won this contract again back in 2016. This is a huge move for Global, and shows how interested they are at becoming an outdoor player. It would give them almost as much share in the OOH market as the biggest player JCDecaux (35%).   The world of OOH advertising is developing and becoming a dynamic advertising channel, with the introduction of digital screens. These screens allow flexibility in advertising so companies can market their product / service at the correct time of day, in the correct weather and in the correct places. It diversifies the OOH market, and creates a vast opportunity for creativity and improved targeting. They also create an opportunity for cross-channel strategies, working with mobile amongst other channels. It will be interesting to see how the OOH market develops within the next couple of years.