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We're delighted to help launch Pearson's Project Literacy 2017 campaign: First Words - a call to action...It's been nearly a year since we helped launch Project Literacy's devastating video campaign addressing the unlikely, yet brutal social implications of illiteracy. 'The Alphabet of Illiteracy' encouraged shocked viewers to share the animated A-Z video across social media platforms, delivering a wealth of social impressions, and increasing action on illiteracy worldwide. Now Project Literacy's new campaign seeks to highlight the vicious cycle of inter-generational illiteracy, which prevents millions of people around the world from progressing in their lives and ultimately fulfilling their potential. The 'Give Your Word' film campaign focalises on the plight of several adults determined to break the cycle, and reap the benefits of a skill we so often take for granted. We hope you agree with us that the 'First Word' films are truly inspirational, please watch, share, and donate to this worthy cause! [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HpIR6cbPVWI[/embed]Click here to read more about Project Literacy's 'First Words' campaign!