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Kat's first month at the Village.My first few weeks at the Village have flown by very quickly, I am quite shocked writing this blog post and realising that I joined this brilliant team as a Graduate Trainee exactly one month ago today (18th Feb 2019). When I came in on my first day, I was nervous not knowing what to expect or if I would get along with everyone. I was also excited to work in the Villages new beautiful office which I have gotten to know quite well during the interview process. I shouldn’t have been nervous seeing as everyone was so kind and made me feel welcome. I felt like a proper part of the team from my first day onwards although there is still so much to learn. My work here has been very versatile so far. Everyday something new comes up. From learning the finance software to vouchering to building a target audience for a client, there has never been a quiet or dull moment. I walk in excited every morning to see what the new day entails & what I can learn or work on. I am slowly getting to know more clients and how we work with them. I am currently getting to know the non-digital side of things. It is interesting to learn about rate cards, copy deadlines, and schedules. Next to the media planning site, I prepare the weekly newsletter and daily tweets which gives the week a bit of a reoccurring structure alongside all that is new to me. Next to the work side, it is crazy to think that just a few months ago I have graduated from university. At graduation there are all those speeches about what an ‘impact’ you will make, how you will eventually find something you like and how you will learn so many new great skills in your professional careers. Obviously, those speeches are a bit repetitive and were put together out of more or less empty phrases but I must say they are true for now. I am excited what the next months have to offer. I’m sure it will be challenging but rewarding! Look, it is me!