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Matt's first couple of months at The Village(It's me on the left!) After a busy first couple of months which has definitely flown by it’s hard to believe just a little while ago I was walking out the exam hall for the final time at University with no idea what my future life would hold for me. Thankfully (for me at least!) I ended up at The Village as a Graduate Digital Account Executive. Even though it’s only been a short time, I’ve experienced so much and learnt even more about both the media industry in general and digital marketing. (the office) Being thrown straight into the deep end is brilliant- there’s nothing better than seeing what you do directly impacts and improves client’s results, instead of being analyst #247 doing excel reports day in day out. Since joining just a couple of my responsibilities I’m now in charge of are PPC campaigns for clients and have direct involvement in improving the media strategies of others over Facebook and programmatic partners. I can easily say that if I could go back to the university student a few months ago I would tell him that there’s no need to worry and relax because you’ll end up in such a good place! It’s cheesy but it’s been great to be given such an opportunity and I’ve absolutely loved the first month and looking forward to the many more to come- all I’ve got to do now is improve on my table football skills!