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I'm super excited to be back at Village and working with a wonderful team.Hello! I’m Hannah, I have been lucky enough to be welcomed back to Village by Richard & Deidre after taking a few years out overseas (they are amazing right!). It feels great to be back, and whilst a lot of new team members, there are familiar faces popping up and I feel quite comfortable already! I work across all media channels and get stuck into many parts of the business so you will likely see me around! I LOVE the new office, it suits us perfectly doesn’t it? We finally have our own space which I got to see in full swing this Christmas, when we hosted our Christmas party (& as always it was a very good one indeed ?). A big thank you to Halewood International for the yummy liquor supply!Since starting back at Village I’ve been getting involved with lots of exciting projects. Halewood are a client I’m very much looking forward to working with, with a variety of amazing brands it’s an opportunity to get creative and grow some truly unique brands. I had a good introduction to the portfolio in December when we hosted a few brand planning days for Vodka, Gin and Whisky/ey respectively, giving me the chance to get a much deeper understanding of the brands, the ideas and the markets, ahead of a new year of exciting planning.