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Village team members Matt and Adam had their first taste of pitching...  On Friday 2nd November, Village team members Matt and Adam had their first taste of pitching. Over the last 10 weeks they have been undergoing extensive training with a program from TalentWorks. This culminated in pitching to a panel of judges. They had to pitch on a dummy brief, which was for an American supermarket company called Publix trying to make an entry into the UK market. It was a great insight into the processes involved in pitching for new business, and a good look at the extensive work which goes into it. We spent the whole day Thursday putting together a document for the pitch, and it was really helpful to gain an understanding of how to formulate a document in a short period of time. It was all a little bit stressful and frantic, but I feel that added to the realism of the whole thing, and really helped to heighten the nerves and reality of the pitch the following day. Pitching for new business is vital for any business, it’s ultimately how an agency will make their money. Therefore, making sure you understand the importance of such a thing is greatly important.Before the pitch we had a little 5-minute talk from Richard Madeley on the set of GMB. He gave us a great little speech on how to present, and the importance that you are only talking to another human, and the way you say something is just as important as what you say. He told us not to be nervous (but quickly wavered this because of how cliché the comment is), but also told us that it doesn’t matter what people think of you, and in a comedic way put it as “It’s okay to be a w***er”. This was really to try and calm nerves, and to take pressure out of the pitch.  But in a funny way, this really helped calm any nerves I did have, and made the whole thing feel a little bit more down to earth, helping to put things into perspective. The pitch came around and everyone did fantastic. Everyone delivered the pitches incredibly well, and as for me, as soon as I entered the room the nerves seemed to fade away, and my team and I delivered a very good pitch. Pitching and presenting is extremely important in any business,  and this task really helped to portray that feeling.