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Slowly but surely returning back to the office after Covid-19We think it’s safe to say that working through Covid was a huge challenge for all businesses out there!  Having to adjust and work from home was tough for us all but we’re excited to announce that we’re slowly but surely making our way back to the office. Of course, it’s not as easy as snapping our fingers and having the whole team back together, but it’s a start and we’re making sure we do so safely! We’ve carried out thorough measures of the space and, whilst navigating the restrictions to ensure the office is safe has had its challenges, it’s made slightly easier by all members of the team taking rapid tests to ensure they’re negative before coming into the office. In giving the office a little re-vamp and shifting the chairs/desks around slightly (not to mention the ample bottles of hand sanitizer) we’ve made sure everyone feels comfortable to come back. At this stage we’re working to a rota whereby we’ll have a maximum of 6 employees in the office at once - the plan for the time being is to remain on a flexible, hybrid working approach.  After our first day back last week it’s become clear that everyone has missed the face-to-face communication; whilst we all work efficiently from home, the ease of being able to shout and ask someone a question and the background noise of phone calls and campaign conversations is so vital.  We believe that everyone is thriving from that feeling of normality for a day and we can’t wait for the restrictions to ease further so that this can become a more regular environment.  We've also had some new faces join the team throughout the pandemic; others that had only been in the office a few times and it was great to finally see everyone coming together. As restrictions continue to relax The Village team will be out in full force.  We look forward to seeing our clients and media partners soon and hosting great parties for you all!  For now, we’re happy to have the team we do and to have the ability to knock our heads together in the office to create some innovative campaigns for all our clients.